4 thoughts on “Slowly daring to travel again

  1. Look at you two beauties! Your daughter is looking so grown-up (and you forever young! 🙂 )

    I wish we could all play by the same rules here, too. We are ready to start inching back out, but there are so many idiots out there that make it more of a challenge. Happy to see you all enjoying a trip into nature!

    1. Oh thanks 😉 It’s already burning hot in Hanoi and supposingly the hottest month of the year .. At least the kids will be on summer break (already!) at the end of the month so we escape the city for a few days ..
      Take good care ❤

  2. Salut m’dame. Ravi de voir que tout va bien. La parano, je comprends. Ici on est au milieu de l’ouragan, des centaines de morts chaque jour et ils ont pratiquement tout rouvert. Quand on sort marcher un peu hors de la maison (avec nos masques) la moitié des gens n’en portent pas. Et “ça m’agace”.
    “Petit Attila” a bien grandi… Super.
    Grosses bises. A+

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